There's some great stuff coming out soon on high def. My Christmas list is in a constant state of expansion!

Edward Scissorhands (Blu-ray) - Oct. 9

2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket (HD DVD, Blu-ray) - Oct. 23

Spider-Man Trilogy (Blu-ray) - Oct. 30

Ratatouille (Blu-ray) - Nov. 6

Cars (Blu-ray) - Nov. 6

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Blu-ray) - Nov. 13

Die Hard Collection (Blu-ray) - Nov. 20

The Bourne Ultimatum (HD DVD) - Dec. 11

Harry Potter 1-5 Boxed Set (HD DVD, Blu-ray) - Dec. 11

LOST Season 3 (Blu-ray) - Dec. 11

Blade Runner 5-Disc Edition (HD DVD, Blu-ray) - Dec. 18

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Seth said...

Looks like I better be going the Blu-Ray route.

Ryan Smith said...

Neither one is going anywhere for awhile, that's for sure. Keep in mind though that about 95% of Spielberg's movies are on Universal and Paramount, which are now HD DVD exlusive.

jackmooring said...

Can't wait for the Harry Potter hi def! It's going to look amazing.

Seth said...

Nope, check out the Paramount press release again. Spielberg's films are not held under the contract, they can be released on either.
And after doing some research, it seems that Spielberg himself prefers BluRay, so obviously I must blindly follow.

Kit said...

The best solution I've heard is for someone to get really brave and offer refunds or exchanges if their format doesn't survive... thus giving confidence to those not willing to risk the expense until a clear winner develops... and giving them a good boost towards not failing for a while.

(Theory being if their format loses, they have much bigger issues than the people putting in the effort to take them up on the offer. Especially considering how few people can even manage to get rebate forms sent in)

Anonymous said...

So you're hoping your wife will see the list, huh? lol

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