What a brilliant show. What a shame no one watched. I rank this up there next to "Arrested Development" in "The Best Shows That No One Watched, Resulting In Their Being Canceled By Greedy Networks" list.
Ok, so this movie probably has too many subplots. And maybe it feels like a few different movies thrown together. And yes, Orlando Bloom's performance feels stiff and forced at times. But how can you not like this movie? It may be Cameron Crowe's worst film, but it's a beautiful failure.
I guess I'm on a Cameron Crowe kick these days. I'd forgotten how great "Almost Famous" is. Crowe has a way of making a movie feel like a genuine experience. Hats off, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaking of great shows dumped by greedy networks, Joss Whedon's sci-fi western "Firefly" is one of my personal favorites. I recently introduced it to a friend. The 90 minute pilot is pretty fantastic, considering how much ground they cover in just the first episode. Great stuff. I definitely recommend watching the show before seeing the movie spin-off, "Serenity".
In case you can't read the small text, this is the album "The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place" by the band Explosions in the Sky. These guys are amazing. It's instrumental, guitar-driven rock, and it plays like a soundtrack to your life.
More tiny text. This is Caitlin Cary and Thad Cockrell's "Begonias" album. Great songwriting. If you're into the country-folk thing, it's definitely worth a listen.
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I bet your friend really liked Firefly. That show's got some game:)
You need to rent the show "Sportsnight." It was awesome. The show one two emmys and I believe it was filmed with one camera.
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